
Curious about ChiRunning ®

Select the videos below—and watch an animated video presentation of how ChiRunning ® really works, enjoy!

W.H.O. —can benefit from Chi Running ® — Chi Running ® has helped many people, from

beginners to cross country runners to triathletes. Whether you are just beginning a running program

or training for a marathon— race—or triathlon—the Chi Running ®—approach is one that builds a

healthy body—instead of breaking it down from misuse or overuse.

What is the focus of Chi Running ® — Chi Running ® helps reduce—or eliminate injury—and pain

such—as: knee pain—hip pain—IT Band Syndrome (ITB)—hamstring pulls—Achilles tendonitis—

plantar fasciitis—soreness—and fatigue. Conditioning your mind is just as important—as conditioning

your body. Let Chi Running ® help you focus your mind—lift your spirit—and open up your flow of chi.

ChiRunning ®Talk at Zenergie from Dean Jackson on Vimeo.

ChiRun ® & ChiWalk ® talk 2011. 

Lecture held at the Zenergie Holistic Healing Centre in Point Grey Vancouver Jan. 19th, 2011.

Dean Jackson was the guest speaker.

Dean Jackson Testimonial Conscious Planet:

How I fueled my Ultra Marathon runs—on plant based foods.

   Pimsleur Approach: The Secret to Start Speaking a Language Fast!